from the October 25 Nikkei

2013年10月27日 18時37分08秒 | 新聞記事から
連合「ベア1%以上」 春季労使交渉5年ぶり要求 自動車総連も足並み

At its meting held on October 24, Rengo, or Japanese Trade Union Confederation,deided to seek in spring labor offensive next year to get a raise in the employees' basic wage level up to at least as much as more than 1%. It has been the first in five years since 2009 that they will set a unified demand criterion for its member labor unions. Under the circumstances of recent economic recovery and upcoming consumption tax rate increase, they judged raising the worker's wage level is indispensable for national economy.The Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Union, consisting of domestic carmaker's trade unions like that of Toyota, is expected to follow the suit.
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