from today's Nikkei

2006年09月20日 10時04分55秒 | 新聞記事から
半導体最先端材料 信越化学、2工場新設 1200億円投資 世界首位守る
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co.,ltd. will build two new plants in order to increase its production of cutting-edge semiconductor materials, with 120 billion yen invested. This is because it intends to keep its top status in this field in the world market.

北朝鮮に金融制裁発動 15団体・1個人 預金・送金を凍結 政府
New sanctions was imposed on North Korea. The government freezed the deposits of 15 organizations and an individual and their remittances.

タイでクーデター 反首相派「実験を掌握」 首相、非常事態を宣言
In Thailand, a coup d'etat took place. The anti-premier group seems to take hold of the rein of the country.But the details are not clear.Meanwhile , the prime minister,who was away the country in New York attending the UN General Assembly ,declared the state of emergency.

自民総裁選 きょう開票 安倍氏 選出へ
Today, the votes are counted in the Liberal Democratic Party president election. And,Shinzo Abe is expected to be the new president.
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