ブラジルの高速鉄道 日本勢受注へ金融支援 政府、円借款など検討 三井物産・東芝・三菱重工・日立 4社連合が入札検討
The Japanese government has decided to start deliberating on supporting Japanese consortium of four companies of Mitsui,Toshiba,Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Hitachi,aiming at receiving the order from Brazil, where there ia a big project of constructing high-speed railway transportation network,and they are calling for bids on the project in May this year. The transportation network connects the 500km distance between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo the total cost of which is expected to reach 1.7 trillion yen, and is drawing a lot of attention from the world.
The Japanese government's supporting scheme will focus on yen loans and fund support to the Japanese consortium.
The consortium likely intends to cal for another company groups including the JR group to participate in the bid, and with a complete buildup of the team will bid for the project in May.
The Japanese government has decided to start deliberating on supporting Japanese consortium of four companies of Mitsui,Toshiba,Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Hitachi,aiming at receiving the order from Brazil, where there ia a big project of constructing high-speed railway transportation network,and they are calling for bids on the project in May this year. The transportation network connects the 500km distance between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo the total cost of which is expected to reach 1.7 trillion yen, and is drawing a lot of attention from the world.
The Japanese government's supporting scheme will focus on yen loans and fund support to the Japanese consortium.
The consortium likely intends to cal for another company groups including the JR group to participate in the bid, and with a complete buildup of the team will bid for the project in May.