from today's Nikkei

2008年11月21日 09時00分24秒 | 新聞記事から
中国、アリコ出資へ交渉 米AIGから取得、49%上限 政府系ファンド 最大1兆円規模 日本含め世界で生保事業

It was learned on Thursday that China Investment Corporation, a Chinese government-affiliated fund,entered into the negotiations with the parties concerned in the direction that it will make large-scale investments in a U.S. major insurance company American International Group,Inc.,which is facing difficulty in its business operation,and its affiliated company American Life Insurance Corporation. Centering on the idea that it will get up to 49 percent equity stake of American Life Insurance,they are going on the talks and intend to reach an agreement within the year. American Life Insurance Corporation is doing life insurance business in more than 55 countries in the world including Japan.The amount of China's investment is expected to be about 1 trillion yen.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年11月19日 09時19分40秒 | 新聞記事から
ドコモが「グーグル携帯」 無償ソフト採用 低価格で来年発売 検索やネット閲覧パソコン並み 韓国大手と開発

According to sources,NTT DOCOMO Inc. will likely develop a new-type smart phone,versatile cellular phone handsets,with a South Korean cellular phone service provider, using U.S. google free software.The new handsets are expected to have ability equivalent to that of PCs in retrieval and browsing of homepages on the Internet and to be released next year at relatively low price.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年11月18日 09時49分22秒 | 新聞記事から
GDPマイナス0.4% 7-9月実質年率 2期連続で減少 経財相「景気は後退局面」

According to the data released on Monday by The Cabinet Office,Japan's gross domestic product (GDP) from July through September this year, on its preliminary basis,marked a annualized 0.4 decrease, which is real o.1% decrease,from the preceding quarter.Declines were logged for two quarters in a row, which is the first since the three quarters from August to December in 2001. Kaoru Yosano,state minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy, confirmed during a press conference held on Monday that the economy is now in a downturn.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年11月16日 12時06分39秒 | 新聞記事から
乗用車 国内生産1000万台割れ 今年度 5年ぶり 下期に急減速 人員削減1万人規模

It has been learned that the production of passenger cars in fiscal 2008 will decrease under (below) the 100 miilion unit level to less than 97 million unit,which marks the first decline from the previous year in the past five years. This is because sharp decline of the producvtion is expected in the latter half of the year.In this circumstance,automobile companies likely will be obliged to consider the personnel reduction amounting to about 10 thousand people in total.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年11月15日 10時55分38秒 | 新聞記事から
金融安定化 途上国銀行に資本注入 政府 世銀と3000億円基金 アジア開銀資本 倍増も提案

Japanese government has a plan to set up a special fund worth about 3 billion dollars- 300 billion yen-,in order to help banks in developing coutries in their fund necessity,in cooperation with the World Bank.Given the current situation that there is a possibility that the current financial crisis would cause the damage to the financial system in developing coutries,the newly set fund will directly inject necessary fund into each financial institution instead of the government of the country, to which the institution belongs.

Regarding Asian Development Bank also,Japan has a plan to make a proposal on the enhancement of its capital from the present 50 billion dollars to double the present.

These things will be expressed by Prime Minister Taro Aso in the financial summit meeting being held in Washington from today.
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