中国、アリコ出資へ交渉 米AIGから取得、49%上限 政府系ファンド 最大1兆円規模 日本含め世界で生保事業
It was learned on Thursday that China Investment Corporation, a Chinese government-affiliated fund,entered into the negotiations with the parties concerned in the direction that it will make large-scale investments in a U.S. major insurance company American International Group,Inc.,which is facing difficulty in its business operation,and its affiliated company American Life Insurance Corporation. Centering on the idea that it will get up to 49 percent equity stake of American Life Insurance,they are going on the talks and intend to reach an agreement within the year. American Life Insurance Corporation is doing life insurance business in more than 55 countries in the world including Japan.The amount of China's investment is expected to be about 1 trillion yen.
It was learned on Thursday that China Investment Corporation, a Chinese government-affiliated fund,entered into the negotiations with the parties concerned in the direction that it will make large-scale investments in a U.S. major insurance company American International Group,Inc.,which is facing difficulty in its business operation,and its affiliated company American Life Insurance Corporation. Centering on the idea that it will get up to 49 percent equity stake of American Life Insurance,they are going on the talks and intend to reach an agreement within the year. American Life Insurance Corporation is doing life insurance business in more than 55 countries in the world including Japan.The amount of China's investment is expected to be about 1 trillion yen.