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I got peonys a little bit opened.
Because I couldn't keep peonys buds til coming out before.
But this time they came out bloomed quickly!
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I got peonys a little bit opened.
Because I couldn't keep peonys buds til coming out before.
But this time they came out bloomed quickly!
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Hydrangeas became very nice color, rainy season already started in Tokyo.
A yellow lily was remarcable in blue hydrangea.
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Tokyo Ryukyukan's sataangadi, I tired to get it, I went to there for three times.
Very good!!!
I completry changed my favorite sweets from Kaitenyaki to Sataandagi.
A mascot caracter of Ryukyu exhibition, Sataachan is very cute.
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Komeda coffee's softcream is pretty big!
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まんじゅうこわい かんこくつあー 2010
I’m afraid of manju Korea tour 2010
1 2010ねんに きょういんこうりゅうぷろぐらむのかんこくつあーにいった。とおかかん がっこうをまわり、さいしゅうびのぜんじつ、、、。おおがたばすで
1 The year of 2010, I went to Korea by teachers exchange program tour. We visited Korean schools for 10 days, and the day before the tour’s last day…. We traveled by big bus.
2 いんそつの もんぶかがくしょうの やくにんさんが まんじゅうのみやげをかうというので、わざわざとおまわりして そのまんじゅうやによった。 「じょうしにかならずかってこいとめいれいされました」
2 An accompanying official of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, said that we will drop by a shop out of the way to get manju for souvenir. His boss ordered him to absolutely buy this manju.
3 みな、ねつにうかされたように まんじゅうをかった、、、。「ください!」 ぜったいに おいしいに ちがいない、、、。
3 Everybody made a rush for the manju. This one, please! It must absolutely be good…
4 おもいし かさばるし たべても あまりおいしくかんじなかった。「すーつけーすにはいらない!」「まんじゅうこわい!!」とみなでいった。でもにほんにかえってたべたらおいしかったです!
4 The manju was heavy and large, I ate it but I didn’t think it tasted good. “ I can’t pack it in my suitcase!” we said “ I’m afraid of manju!!”. But after I went back to Japan and ate them, it was good!