さて、昨年読んだ "The Story of My Life" からの引用です。
In my college reading I have become somewhat familiar with French and German literature. The German puts strength before beauty, and truth before convention, both in life and in literature. There is a vehement, sledgehammer vigour about everything that he does. When he speaks, it is not to impress others, but because his heart would burst if he did not find an outlet for the thoughts that burn in his soul.
知らない単語や難しい構文はありませんが、 "The German puts strength before beauty, and truth before convention" の台詞は簡単で応用が利きそうですね。 "Sake before cherries", "eating before fighting", "sweets before diet", etc.
さて、昨年読んだ "The Story of My Life" からの引用です。
In my college reading I have become somewhat familiar with French and German literature. The German puts strength before beauty, and truth before convention, both in life and in literature. There is a vehement, sledgehammer vigour about everything that he does. When he speaks, it is not to impress others, but because his heart would burst if he did not find an outlet for the thoughts that burn in his soul.
知らない単語や難しい構文はありませんが、 "The German puts strength before beauty, and truth before convention" の台詞は簡単で応用が利きそうですね。 "Sake before cherries", "eating before fighting", "sweets before diet", etc.