English Collection


knock down with a feather

2011年01月17日 | 英語学習
How To Make Money In Japanは一週間を経ずに読み終わりました。今日採り上げる慣用句でこの本からの話題は終わります。
But when the waitress handed me the wine list, and began to read the prices they charged, you could have knocked me down with a feather. In the case of the flowers of the Tax Bureau I only remember the smallest one, but in the case of the bottles of wine of this restaurant, I remember the one with the highest price, i.e. 300,000.
文中の "knocked me down with a feather" は文脈からするとびっくりさせたでしょうが、羽のように軽い、請求書で倒すと言う表現が面白い。辞書で意味を確認します。 しかし、中々この表現を載せている辞書は見つかりませんでしたが、American Heritage Dictionaryのサイトで "knock for a loop" にredirectされ、次ぎの説明がありました。
throw/knock for a loop, to astonish or upset: Her quitting the project really threw me for a loop.
Also, throw for a loop; knock down or over with a feather; knock sideways. Overcome with surprise or astonishment, as in The news of his death knocked me for a loop, or Being fired without any warning threw me for a loop, or Jane was knocked sideways when she found out she won. The first two of these hyperbolic colloquial usages, dating from the first half of the 1900s, allude to the comic-strip image of a person pushed hard enough to roll over in the shape of a loop. The third hyperbolic term, often put as You could have knocked me down with a feather, intimating that something so light as a feather could knock one down, dates from the early 1800s; the fourth was first recorded in 1925.
やはり、"knock down with a feather" は "surprise or astonishment" を誇張した表現
なのが分かりました。また、"throw/knock for a loop" は以前 2009/7/20 に取り上げた表現である事を思い出しました。 (Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2009/7/20 ) 
読む前から予想していた事ですが、How To Make Money In Japanのタイトルは買い手/読み手の注意を引くために作られた(恐らく著者ではなく、出版社が考えた)もので、本の内容は著者が見た当時の日本の経済、つまりお金にまつわる話題を誇張(あるいは偏見)を交えて書かれたものでした。
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