English Collection


be banged up

2011年11月22日 | 英語学習
さて、Sierra Nevada山脈での遭難事故の記事の続きです。 遭難者のSeanは奇跡的に助かり病院に運ばれました。
After arriving at the hospital, they found Sean lying on a gurney in a hallway. "We thought you were dead!" Megan said. Sean was pretty banged up. Besides shattering his kneecap, he had ruptured a tendon.
"was pretty banged up" は "怪我がひどかった" の意味の様ですが、辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: [usually passive] informal American: to damage something such as a vehicle: How did your truck get all banged up?
・American Heritage Dictionary: Damage, injure, as in Banging up the car a second time will make Dad very unhappy, or Mother fell down the stairs and was all banged up. The verb to bang alone had this meaning from the 1500s on, up being added in the late 1800s.
車をぶつけて駄目にするイメージは "banged up" で容易に浮かぶので直ぐに覚えられそうです。
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