English Collection



2012年09月29日 | 英語学習
木の上にいる猫に向かって犬が "It's nice gnawing you." と吼えている場面を以前漫画で見た時に "gnaw" を覚えたのですが、ジョン万次郎の伝記、HEART of a SAMURAIに出たきた"gnaw" の意味はその意味とは違うようです。
A glance passed between the two boys, a glance that spoke of gnawing hunger, desperate thirst, endless wind, penetrating cold. Nothing could be worse than staying on this island, the glance said.
For hours they rowed, towing the heavy corpse back to the ship. As the sun set and darkness descended, Manjiro began to gnaw on a problem: What were they planning to do with this whale?
辞書で"gnaw" の意味を再確認します。
・American Heritage Dictionary:
 To afflict or worry persistently: fear that constantly gnawed me.
 To cause persistent worry or pain: Hunger gnawed at the prisoners.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a: to be a source of vexation to: plague: anxiety always gnawing him b: to affect like gnawing: hunger gnawing
蛇足を一言 "It is still nice to know the meaning of gnaw."
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