English Collection


in one's tracks

2013年02月06日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 12月号のAll in a day's Workのコーナーにあった投稿記事を引用します。
Dead on arrival
On my first day's delivering flowers, the local florist, Frances, sent me to the hospital with a large circular floral arrangement. The label only had the recipient's name, Mr. John Turner, "Down the corridor, first door on the left," said the receptionist. Whistling softly, I strode down the corridor, knocked on the door with a cheery "Good morning!" and stepped into a dimly lit room.
I didn't get far before freezing in my tracks -- Mr. Turner was laid out on a slab, surrounded by flowers and clearly dead. Not knowing quite what to do, and feeling a bit shocked, I placed the flowers carefully inside the door and made a speedy exit.
Back at the shop, Frances listened to my story with a wry smile on her face. "Well, at least now you know what a wreath is for," she observed.
"in my tracks" は慣用句の様です。辞書で調べます。 最初 "track" で辞書を引きましたが、適当な説明に当たりません。そこで "tracks" で調べると "in one's tracks" の慣用句が出て来ました。
・Collins Dictionary: on the very spot where one is standing (esp in the phrase stop in one's tracks)
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: where one stands or is at the moment : on the spot: was stopped in his tracks
・Dictionary.com: Informal. in the spot in which one is or is standing at the moment: He stopped dead in his tracks, listening for the sound to be repeated.
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