English Collection



2013年02月19日 | 英語学習
上杉鷹山が布告した「伍什組合の令」、内村鑑三は英語で "the Institution of the Associations of Five and Ten" としている、からの抜粋です。
If there is one who neglects his farm, or follows not his trade and runs to other employments, or indulges in dances, theaters, banquets and other laxities, such and such like should have peremptory adomonition, first of his Association of Five, and then of Ten; and in case he is still refractory, he must be privily reported to the village authority and receive due treatment.
内村鑑三がRepresentative Men of Japanを書いたのは百年以上も前なので文体も古く、難しい単語もかなりあるのですが、ここに出てきた "refractory" を覚えたい。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: resisting control or authority : stubborn, unmanageable: believing that rules are only for other people, he's been refractory virtually his entire life
・Vocabulary.com: Imagine yourself pulling a dog who doesn't want to walk. The dog is refractory, or stubbornly resisting your authority.
The word refractory comes from a Latin word meaning obstinate and can also be used to mean not responsive to something. If you have a cold you can't shake, you could say you have a refractory cough. The word can also be used to describe a material that maintains its strength at very high heats. The outside of the space shuttle is made of refractory material, so that it can reenter the atmosphere without burning up.
ケネディ大統領は上杉鷹山を心から尊敬していたそうですが、内村鑑三のRepresentative Men of Japanを読んで鷹山の事を知ったからです。
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