English Collection



2015年09月09日 | 英語の本を読む
A Stranger is Watchingを読んでいます。Stephen Kingの小説にはスラングが度々出て来ましたが、その点A Stranger is Watchingにはスラングが余り使われていない様なのでその分読み易い。
'How are you, Mr Lufts?' He was a short, thick-necked man in his mid-sixties with watery blue eyes. Tiny broken capillaries formed tell-tale patches on his cheeks and nostrils reminding Sharon that Steve was worried about Bill Lufts's heavy drinking.
"tell-tale" は "telltale" で密告者とか密告するとの意味で何かの話に出て来ましたが、上の個所ではその意味では合わないので、辞書を見ます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: telltale signs of something are obvious signs that it exists or it has happened: the telltale signs of lead poisoning
・Vocabulary.com: Something that's telltale accidentally relays important information. A wise parent can tell who ate the last of the birthday cake by the telltale chocolate smudges on the culprit's face.
The telltale dark circles under your teacher's eyes betray how little sleep he got last night, and a telltale bulge in a shopper's pocket is sometimes enough for a store owner to suspect she's a shoplifter. If it's telltale, its very presences reveals something. A famous occurrence of telltale, although it's spelled with a hyphen, is Edgar Allen Poe's story "The Tell-Tale Heart," about a murderer who imagines he's betrayed by the telltale beating of his victim's heart.
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