旅行中にリーダース・ダイジェスト、日本人なら必ず誤訳する英文、そしてMomoを読みましたが、しばらくは旅行前に読んだA Stranger is Watchingのメモが溜まっているのでそこからの話題です。
'I see.' Hank shoved his glass across the bar. 'Have one yourself.'
'Don't mind if I do. Don't usually if it's busy, but you could swing a cat around here. Lousy kind of night anyway. Kind of gives you the creeps. Guess everybody feels that way. That Thompson kid, you know. His mother lives two blocks from me.'
"swing a cat" の表現は猫の額ほどの区画の区民農園を借りていた頃に取り上げた表現 "no room to swing a cat" を思い出させます。
多くの辞書に "no room to swing a cat" を説明する項がありますが、"swing a cat" の項があったのは次の辞書しか見つかりませんでした。
・Colloquial Speech of Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada:
1. Denotes an area containing a large number of any one thing, often members of a particular family; "You can't swing a cat in Zealand without hittin' a Brewer."
2. Used to describe a lack of space; "We had barely enough room in the tent to swing a cat." 3. Used to describe an area of abundant space "We had more than enough room in the tent to swing a cat." Often, "dead cat" is used when extra emphasis is required.
肯定文で "swing a cat" を使用すると、上記辞書の1.又は2.になるのですね。