English Collection



2016年07月08日 | 英語の本を読む

仕事で少しは英文を書いたりすることもあるので、U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONのサイトからダウンロードした "A Plain English Handbook: How to Create Clear SEC Disclosure Documents”(PDFをA Plain English Handbook)を暇な時に読んでいます。今日はその第6章にあった次の単語を覚えたい。
Throughout this chapter, you’ll find “before” examples from disclosure documents with plain English “after” examples to illustrate specific principles of plain English. Since some of the “before” examples contain ambiguities that can be successfully resolved only by studying their context in a particular document, we did not attempt to provide rewrites to cover every interpretation. We encourage you to write your own plain English versions to fit your views and your needs. We don’t want to create a new generation of plain English “boilerplate.”
・Oxford English Dictionary: Standardized pieces of text for use as clauses in contracts or as part of a computer program: some sections have been written as boilerplate for use in all proposals
・Wiktionary: Describing text of a standard or routine nature. The contract contained all the usual boilerplate clauses.

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