English Collection


elegant variation

2016年07月11日 | 英語の本を読む

Webで見つけたPlain English for Lawyers (by Richard C. Wydick)を読んでいると興味深い表現にであいました。
Elegant variation is practiced by writers whose English teachers told them not to use the same word twice in one sentence. The practice produces sentences like this:
The first case was settled for $2,000, and the second piece of litigation was disposed of out of court for $3,000, while the price of the amicable accord reached in the third suit was $5,000.
The readers are left to ponder the difference between a case, apiece of litigation, and a suit.
Do not be afraid to repeat a word if it is the right word and if repeating it will avoid confusion. If the repetition sounds clumsy, try a pronoun or recast the sentence:(以下省略)
英語では同じ言葉を繰り返し使うのは稚拙とか、好ましくないと聞いたことはあります。技術的なマニュアルを読むことが多かったし、今でもマニュアルやカタログを訳すことが多くあるので、技術書でも英語では同じ言葉を使わない傾向が書き手にもよりますがあります。技術書の場合は言葉は統一した方が良いのにと感じながら読むことがあります。同じことばを使わないようにするのが "elegant variation" と言うのですね。この表現が辞書にもあるか確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: The stylistic fault of studiedly finding different ways to denote the same thing in a piece of writing, merely to avoid repetition.
・Wiktionary: a form of journalese characterized by the over use of synonyms for fear of repeating a word; best avoided by the use of pronouns or repetition: Tony Blair visited the town today. The Prime Minister saw the new theatre. The British leader left in the afternoon.
Elegant variation is the unnecessary, and sometimes misleading, use of synonyms to denote a single thing, driven by an imbalance in compositional tone in which an attempt to maintain euphony by avoiding monotonous repetition degrades clarity and inadvertently introduces a different kind of tonal problem (such as unintended humor or attention-drawing eccentricity).

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