English Collection


moral suasion

2016年07月14日 | 英語の本を読む

このところ小説を読むのが続いたのでMax H. Bazerman著のThe Power of Noticingを読んでみることにしました。早速覚えたい連語が出てきました。
A trader can either tell regulators about index fixing or request a fix in favor of her investiments. The conflict is evident and the choice deliberate. This view of conflict of interest as exclusively intentional leads to the view that moral suasion or sanctions can prevent the destructive effects of conflict of interest. However, extensive research demonstrates that our desires influence the way we interpret information, even when we are trying to be objective and impartial.
"moral suasion" が気になった連語です。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Persuasion as opposed to force or compulsion.: We wait like small children to see if an aging Ayatollah will decide to evict us by force or moral suasion.
・Webster’s New World College Dictionary: persuasion now chiefly in moral suasion, the act of persuading by appealing to one's sense of morality

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