English Collection



2016年07月13日 | 英語の本を読む
Reader's Digest 5月号の記事 "Finding and Stopping THE NEXT MASS SHOOTER" に出てきた単語をとりあげます。
The outside of the building is non-descript by design. In an anonymous building, a man named Andre Simons sits at the head of the table. He is trim, compact and alert, with a scalp shaved to a high shine, arched eyebrows and preternaturally wide-open eyes. And he is the answer to the question of who is trying to stop the next shooting.
"preternaturally" を辞書で調べます。下記は "preternatural" での説明です。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Beyond what is normal or natural: autumn had arrived with preternatural speed
・Cambridge English Dictionary: more than is usual or natural: Anger gave me preternatural strength, and I managed to force the door open.
"preter" は余り見かけない接頭辞なのでどこかに説明がないかとさらに他の辞書を見るとありました。
・Vocabulary.com: Preternatural describes something that seems oddly abnormal and out of sync with everything else. If you hear a preternatural dog's barking, maybe it sounds like a police siren instead of a howl.
Note that preternatural contains the word natural. Preter comes from the Latin word praeter which means "beyond"; so something preternatural is beyond nature. It is less commonly used than unnatural or supernatural but means the same thing. If you lift a truck off the ground and hold it above your head, people will marvel at you and say you have preternatural strength.
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