English Collection



2016年07月22日 | 英語の本を読む

The Power of Noticing by Max H. Bazermanは小説と違い余り難しい単語や慣用句はほとんで出てきません。この本から取り上げる最後の表現です。
Between 1999 and Madoff's arrest, Markopolos approached the SEC five times. His 2005 book identifies a large number of red flags, and an appendix reproduces a thirty-five-page document that he provided to the SEC. His book also makes it clear that, by 2005, he thought it was far more likely that Madoff had constructed a Ponzi scheme than that he was front-running. So why didn't the Securities and Exchange Commision pay attention to Markopolos?
以前(3/4/2008)に取り上げた "Ponzi scheme" と同様にここの " front-running" は何か悪いことに違いありません。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Stock Market The practice by market makers of dealing on advance information provided by their brokers and investment analysts, before their clients have been given the information.: Such dicey practices as insider trading and front-running have long been rampant in Moscow's bourses.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the usually illegal act of a dealer buying shares in a company after they have had an order from a customer to buy a large number of the same shares, which is likely to have the result that the shares will go up in price. The dealer can then make a profit by selling the shares that they have bought: Front-running is when a broker places trades for his own account before fulfilling orders previously submitted by his customer.

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