Pain also causes that the body to produce catecholamines, which over time damage major organs but in the short term give the body a jolt--spiking the blood sugar, dilating the pupils, and increasing the heart rate. So in a way, self-mutilators are self-medicators, kick-starting their bodies' natural and powerful chemical reactions. Some cutters report a trancelike state combined with an overwhelming need to self-mutilate--not unlike an addict jonesing for a drug, a jogger restlessly anticipating her 5K, or a glassy-eyed German shepherd licking his paw.
"jonesing" はZoobiquityの前半にも出てきて既に(4/27/2016)取り上げました。
前回しらべた時に、Oxford English Dictionaryに「Origin 1960s: said to come from Jones Alley, in Manhattan, associated with drug addicts.」と知りましたが、欲しがるという意味では慣用句の "keep up with joneses" と同じではないかと気が付き、こちらの語源を確かめると(The Word Detective)、全然異なる様でした。意味が似たのは偶然なのでしょう。