Reader's Digestには事件や事故についての定番記事がありますが、下記は8月号に掲載の "A Hero in the Smoke" からの抜粋です。
In its testing, the Fire Department has determined that a firefighter working a fire has on average 17-1/2 minutes of air. An anxious probie is apt to have far less - maybe ten minutes. In training, probies are lectured to regulate their breathing: don't suck your air', don't 'blow through your bottle'.
"probie" は初めて目にする単語ですが、意味は記事を読めば自明で「新米」あるいは「見習い」と推測できますが、一応辞書で確認します。.
・Oxford English Dictionary: A person, especially a firefighter, undergoing probation in a job.; an energetic probie at a firehouse in lower Manhattan: a job that in the end draws no distinction between probie and veteran
1.Someone holding a position on a probationary basis, subject to performance or examination.
2.(firefighting) A neophyte firefighter
記事の後半に "probie" にピッタリの「未熟の」、「経験の浅い」を表す形容詞 "green" が使われていました。
He knew that he remained a green firefighter who had much to learn.
In its testing, the Fire Department has determined that a firefighter working a fire has on average 17-1/2 minutes of air. An anxious probie is apt to have far less - maybe ten minutes. In training, probies are lectured to regulate their breathing: don't suck your air', don't 'blow through your bottle'.
"probie" は初めて目にする単語ですが、意味は記事を読めば自明で「新米」あるいは「見習い」と推測できますが、一応辞書で確認します。.
・Oxford English Dictionary: A person, especially a firefighter, undergoing probation in a job.; an energetic probie at a firehouse in lower Manhattan: a job that in the end draws no distinction between probie and veteran
1.Someone holding a position on a probationary basis, subject to performance or examination.
2.(firefighting) A neophyte firefighter
記事の後半に "probie" にピッタリの「未熟の」、「経験の浅い」を表す形容詞 "green" が使われていました。
He knew that he remained a green firefighter who had much to learn.