私が読むJohn Grishamの小説はこれで9冊目です。タイトルは "The Partner" です。また悪徳法律家が出てくるのでしょうね。小説の出だしから気になる表現が出てきました。
They found him living in a shaded brick house on Rua Tiradentes, a wide avenue with trees down the center and barefoot boys dribbling soccer balls along the hot pavement. They found him alone, as best they could tell, though a maid came and went at odd hours during the eight days they hid and watched.
・Oxford English Dictionary: Happening or occurring infrequently and irregularly; occasional.: neither did she want a secret affair, snatching odd moments together
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
a: not regular, expected, or planned; worked at odd jobs
b: encountered or experienced from time to time; People would call at odd hours during the night.
"odd" は前にも (1/12/2011) "odd drink" を取り上げていました。