English Collection


eat it up

2016年11月22日 | 英語の本を読む
John Grishamの "The Partner" を読んでいます。
He displayed his weeping client to the media, and said all sorts of vile things about the local Sheriff down there in Biloxi and the FBI and their lame efforts at locating Pepper. Shame on them for dragging their feet for over four years while his poor client lived in sorrow and uncertainty. He ranted and raved and made the most of his fifteen minutes of fame. He hinted at legal action against Patrick Lanigan, the man who obviously killed Pepper and burned his body to hide the evidence so he could make off with ninety million bucks, but he was vague on specifics.
The press, disregarding whatever caution it may have collectively possessed, if any, ate it up. They were given pictures of young Pepper, a simple-looking boy with nasty peach fuzz around his mouth and unkempt hair.
上に出てきた "ate it up" は文脈からして人の話を疑わずに信じる意味の様です。日本語の「鵜呑みにする」と全く発想が同じですね。一応辞書で確認します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: informal: to enjoy (something) greatly: I thought the speech was stupid, but the audience ate it up.
・Wiktionary: (idiomatic, figuratively) To accept or believe entirely, immediately, and without questioning. She ate up everything that her image consultant said.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Fig. to believe something. Those people really eat that stuff up about tax reduction. They'll eat up almost anything you tell them.
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