Reader's Digest 9月号のこの記事タイトル "CLOSE SHAVE" が気になりました。記事の内容は次の可愛らしい子供の話です。
On a crowded bus recently, the voice of a six-year-old travelling with his mother rang out loud and clear: "Is our cat a daddy cat or a mummy cat?"
"A daddy cat," the mother replied.
"How do we know he's a daddy cat?" the boy asked.
An expectant hush fell over the bus as we listened attentively to see how the mother would handle this one.
She was ready for the challenge.
"He's got whiskers, hasn't he?" she said.
ところで、タイトルに使われた "CLOSE SHAVE" の意味を辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A narrow escape from danger or disaster.: This close shave appeared to make the sheriff far more cautious in his approach.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a narrow escape: the passengers in the jeep had a close shave when a mine exploded just a few yards away