English Collection


loose cannon

2017年02月17日 | 英語の本を読む

The Japan Times Online Feb.6の記事 'Trump presidency triggers doomsday inflation' にトランプ大統領を表すのにピッタリと思える表現がありました。
U.S. President Donald Trump is a loose cannon, but he's not the Apocalypse, and most other world leaders are still grown-ups.
・Oxford English Dictionary: An unpredictable or uncontrolled person who is likely to cause unintentional damage.: Obviously we were all put on alert in case there was a loose cannon targeting skydivers.
・Collins Dictionary: a person or thing that appears to be beyond control and is potentially a source of unintentional damage: A preposterous seventeenth century opportunist, a loose cannon , an incorrigible hypocrite.

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