English Collection


ply someone with something

2017年06月29日 | 英語の本を読む

Reader's Digest 5月号の記事 WHERE THE @#$% AM I? からの引用です。
Out in the streets, which were full of revelers celebrating the annual Winter Lights Festival, Icelanders corralled the Lost Tourist for selfies and plied him with shots of the local poison, Brennivin, an unsweetened schnapps.
4/12/2013 に取り上げた "selfies" は今では誰でも知っている単語ですが、10年前にはなかった単語ですね。
ところで "ply" は過去の2度(7/31/20126/24/2011)取り上げていますが、上の引用文の "ply" はそのどちらの意味とも違うようです。辞書を見ます。
、 ・Oxford English Dictionary: (ply someone with) Provide someone with (food or drink) in a continuous or insistent way.: a flight attendant who plied them with soft drinks
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to keep giving a person something, usually food or drink: John's been plying me with drinks all evening.
・Collins Dictionary: If you ply someone with food or drink, you keep giving them more of it.: The poor priest was plied with drink at a dinner party.
"ply someone with something" は食べ物や飲み物だけではなく、質問攻めなどでも使われるとも書かれています。
If you ply someone with questions, you keep asking them questions.

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