English Collection



2017年06月13日 | 英語の本を読む

Impulse by Dr David Lewisを読んでいます。
One case which illustrates this condition involves a 35-year-old man who underwent surgery to remove a brain tumour that entailed the removal of large portion of his frontal cortex. This resluted in profound personality changes. The man's marriage, previously happy and stable - he had fathered two well-adjusted children - ended in divorce.
"father" は名詞しかないと思っていましたが、動詞にもなるのですね。辞書で確認します。.
・Oxford English Dictionary: Be the father of: he fathered three children
・Collins Dictionary: When a man fathers a child, he makes a woman pregnant and their child is born.: She claims Mark fathered her child.
すると、"mother" にも動詞用法があるに違いない。
・Oxford English Dictionary: 1) (often as noun mothering) Bring up (a child) with care and affection.: 'the art of mothering’2) Look after kindly and protectively, sometimes excessively so.: While she was never married and had no children of her own, she mothered a great many.

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