Impulse by Dr David Lewisを読み始めました。副題は 'Why We Do What We Do Without Knowing Why We Do It' となっています。我々人間の行動は考えた上の行動よりも余り考えないで衝動的な行動の方が多いとのことでしょうか?
It still has a full head of hair - each one individually and painstakingly inserted by hand - while mine is fast receding. Its brow is smooth while mine is furrowed. An even more important difference is that you can lift the top of the head of my doppelganger and remove the brain.
"doppelganger" は9/7/2015に取り上げて覚えた単語なので、復習です。 Someone who looks spookily like you, but isn't a twin, is a doppelganger.