English Collection


set no store on

2018年01月31日 | 英単語

She had yielded to him, through weariness, but she had only yeilded what she set no store on. The soul which he had dimly glimpsed escaped him.
"set no store on" は辞書には "set store by" or "set store on" の項で説明がありました。
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To have faith, confidence, or belief in someone or something; to care about, appreciate, or respect someone or something.: I, however, have set store in the promise of the afterlife, so I choose to lead my life piously and devoutly.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to consider valuable, trustworthy, or worthwhile
"set no store on" だと、「重要だとは考えない」になるのですね。

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