English Collection


repo agent

2018年06月11日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 4月号の記事 'That's Outrageous!' からの引用です。
He'd made his car payment: An Illinois man drove to a Walmart, shoplifted some electronic divices, and then nonchalantly sauntered out the door. That was when he noticed a problem: His car was gone. A repo agent had followed him to the store and repossessed the auto while he was inisde. Police arrested the thief fleeing on foot.
状況からして "repo agent" はここでは万引きなどを監視する警備員のようですね。
"repo" を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Repossess (a car or other item) when a buyer defaults on payments.: Operator: ‘It says here you're in arrears on your car payments, so your car got repo'd.’
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: of, relating to, or being in the business of repossessing property (such as a car) from buyers who have defaulted on payments ·a repo company
"repo" だと動詞か名詞で上記のような意味になりますが、Reader's Digestの記事の様に "repo" が形容詞で使われる "repo man(repo agent)" の説明も載っていました。
・Wiktionary: (US) A man employed by a finance company or similar lender to repossess property which is the security for a loan or subject of a lease and where payments have not been made by the borrower/lessor at agreed times (i.e. one that is in default).
"repo agent" は万引の監視人ではありませんでした。どうやら記事の男は万引きをする前から、車のローンの支払いを滞っていたので "repo agent" に尾行され、万引きしている間に車を "repossessed " された話でした。
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