Reader's Digest 4月号の記事 'That's Outrageous!' からの引用です。
He'd been less of a neatnik: A Florida man who'd broken into and ransacked a cell phone store thought of everything. He even shut off the power to the building to disable the surveillance cameras and sprayed the glass display counters with Windex to remove his fingerprints. Yes, he thought of everything--except for the Windex. He left it behind, and the police lifted his fingerprints from the bottle.
"neatnik": A stickler for neatness or cleanliness.: His mom is such a neatnik that a dirty dish never even hits her sink.
昔聞いたことのある "beatnik" から生まれた言葉に違いない。
He'd been less of a neatnik: A Florida man who'd broken into and ransacked a cell phone store thought of everything. He even shut off the power to the building to disable the surveillance cameras and sprayed the glass display counters with Windex to remove his fingerprints. Yes, he thought of everything--except for the Windex. He left it behind, and the police lifted his fingerprints from the bottle.
"neatnik": A stickler for neatness or cleanliness.: His mom is such a neatnik that a dirty dish never even hits her sink.
昔聞いたことのある "beatnik" から生まれた言葉に違いない。