角田光代の 'Woman on the Other Shore' を1ヵ月以上も前に予約しています。しかし、予約順序は1位なのに図書館の貸し出し最長期間(4週間)を過ぎても貸し出し中のままで借りれません。現在借りている人が期限を無視して本を返していないに違いない。 しかたなく、Jane Austenの 'Sense and Sensibility' を読み始めました。但し、原書ではなく多読用に書き直された易しい英語版です。
第2章に首を傾げる表現がありました。 "he was on the wrong side of thirty-five" とは一体35歳より若いのか年を取っているのか、どうでしょうか? その箇所を引用するのに本を見ながらタイプするのは面倒なのですが、前回 'Pride and Prejudice' の様な古典はオンライン上に全文が掲載されている場合が多い事を知ったので調べると、'Sense and Sensibility' の全文が https://www.gutenberg.org/files/161/161-h/161-h.htm に掲載されていました。該当の箇所は次の通り。
Colonel Brandon, the friend of Sir John, seemed no more adapted by resemblance of manner to be his friend, than Lady Middleton was to be his wife, or Mrs. Jennings to be Lady Middleton's mother. He was silent and grave. His appearance however was not unpleasing, in spite of his being in the opinion of Marianne and Margaret an absolute old bachelor, for he was on the wrong side of five and thirty; but though his face was not handsome, his countenance was sensible, and his address was particularly gentlemanlike.
多読版では 'thirty-five' となっている箇所も原書では 'five and thirty' と古い表現になっています。
さて、"on the wrong side of thirty-five" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Somewhat more than (a specified age): he cheerfully admits he is the wrong side of fifty
・Merriam-Webster Dictionary: used with an age (such as 30, 40, 50, etc.) to say that someone is older than that age: She's still on the wrong side of 40.
なるほど、そして "on the right side of thirty-five" となると "that someone is younger than that age" となるそうです。
第2章に首を傾げる表現がありました。 "he was on the wrong side of thirty-five" とは一体35歳より若いのか年を取っているのか、どうでしょうか? その箇所を引用するのに本を見ながらタイプするのは面倒なのですが、前回 'Pride and Prejudice' の様な古典はオンライン上に全文が掲載されている場合が多い事を知ったので調べると、'Sense and Sensibility' の全文が https://www.gutenberg.org/files/161/161-h/161-h.htm に掲載されていました。該当の箇所は次の通り。
Colonel Brandon, the friend of Sir John, seemed no more adapted by resemblance of manner to be his friend, than Lady Middleton was to be his wife, or Mrs. Jennings to be Lady Middleton's mother. He was silent and grave. His appearance however was not unpleasing, in spite of his being in the opinion of Marianne and Margaret an absolute old bachelor, for he was on the wrong side of five and thirty; but though his face was not handsome, his countenance was sensible, and his address was particularly gentlemanlike.
多読版では 'thirty-five' となっている箇所も原書では 'five and thirty' と古い表現になっています。
さて、"on the wrong side of thirty-five" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Somewhat more than (a specified age): he cheerfully admits he is the wrong side of fifty
・Merriam-Webster Dictionary: used with an age (such as 30, 40, 50, etc.) to say that someone is older than that age: She's still on the wrong side of 40.
なるほど、そして "on the right side of thirty-five" となると "that someone is younger than that age" となるそうです。