長い間待っていた角田光代の "Woman on the Other Shore"(translated by Wayne P. Lammers)がやっと図書館から借りれました。
The woman she'd interviewed wih two days before had told her she'd get back to her today. Despite her perfect string of rejections so far, Sayoko hoped this time might be different. In fact, she was secretly counting on it. Not only was the woman Sayoko's own age, but they'd gone to the same school. Since it was a megaversity with a huge student body, it wasn't actually all that unusual to run into fellow alumni, but this woman behaved as if she'd found a long lost friend.
最初に取り上げる単語は "megaversity" で意味は容易に推測できます。日本語で言うマンモス大学の事ですね。一応辞書を見ます。
辞書には "megaversity" の項目はありませんでした。 又、 "mega-versity" あるいは "mega university" でも見当たりませんでした。 しかし、"mega" の項目はあり次の説明があります。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Very large; huge.: a mega city’
・Collins Dictionary: Mega- combines with nouns and adjectives in order to emphasize the size, quality, or importance of something.
マンモス大学にあたる英語 "mammoth university" はどうかと辞書を見ましたが、その項目も見当たりません。 しかし、 "mammoth" にも次の説明があります。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Huge.: ‘a mammoth corporation’
・Collins Dictionary: of gigantic size or importance: a mammoth organization
従って、"mammoth university" は英語として通じるようです。
The woman she'd interviewed wih two days before had told her she'd get back to her today. Despite her perfect string of rejections so far, Sayoko hoped this time might be different. In fact, she was secretly counting on it. Not only was the woman Sayoko's own age, but they'd gone to the same school. Since it was a megaversity with a huge student body, it wasn't actually all that unusual to run into fellow alumni, but this woman behaved as if she'd found a long lost friend.
最初に取り上げる単語は "megaversity" で意味は容易に推測できます。日本語で言うマンモス大学の事ですね。一応辞書を見ます。
辞書には "megaversity" の項目はありませんでした。 又、 "mega-versity" あるいは "mega university" でも見当たりませんでした。 しかし、"mega" の項目はあり次の説明があります。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Very large; huge.: a mega city’
・Collins Dictionary: Mega- combines with nouns and adjectives in order to emphasize the size, quality, or importance of something.
マンモス大学にあたる英語 "mammoth university" はどうかと辞書を見ましたが、その項目も見当たりません。 しかし、 "mammoth" にも次の説明があります。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Huge.: ‘a mammoth corporation’
・Collins Dictionary: of gigantic size or importance: a mammoth organization
従って、"mammoth university" は英語として通じるようです。