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2023年12月02日 | 英単語
The Japan Times, November 20, 2023の記事 "Japan faces 'friendshoring' dilemma in Asia amid China risks"、sub-caption "This new paradigm is putting Japan's diplomacy — and its ultimate vision for its own engagement in the region — to the test." に出て来た "friendshoring" は初めて見る単語なので辞書を見ます。

OneLookの辞書検索ではどの辞書にもこの単語はありませんでした。記事内で引用符に囲まれていたので、そのような予感はしていたのですが。しかししつこく調べると Collins DictionaryにNew Word Suggestionとして次の説明がありました。
the act of investing in countries that are geopolical allies.: "Friendshoring is an understandable policy if it is strictly limited to specific items directly affecting national security,”

Cambridge DictionaryにもNew words – 8 May 2023の一つとして "friendshoring" が掲載されていて、 次の説明がありました。
the practice of operating a business or part of a business in a country that is an ally
Essentially friendshoring refers to the rerouting of supply chains to countries perceived as politically and economically safe or low-risk, to avoid disruption to the flow of business. Tech giant Apple is one American company to have recently made friendshoring moves, relocating some of its iPhone production to India from China.

辞書ではなく、百科事典の Wikipedia には既に項目がありました。
Friendshoring or allyshoring meaning the act of manufacturing and sourcing from countries that are geopolitical allies which makes it a synonym for trade bloc. Some companies and governments pursue friendshoring as a way to continue accessing international markets and supply chains while reducing certain geopolitical risks. However, friendshoring brings risks of its own, including more expensive manufacturing and reduced economic output.
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