English Collection



2023年12月31日 | 英単語
Sayaka Murataの小説 "Convenience Store Woman" を読んでいます。
She’s a housewife, one year older than me at age thirty-seven, and rather stern, but she’s an efficient worker. She’s a rather flashy dresser and changes out of her high heels into sneakers by her locker. “Early again today, Miss Furukura? Oh, that’s one of those new buns, isn’t it? What’s it like?” she asked, her eyes settling on the mango-chocolate bun in my hand. “The cream tastes weird, and it smells a bit strong, which is quite off-putting. It’s not very nice, actually.” “Really? Oh dear, the manager ordered a hundred of them.

この表現 "off-putting" は過去に3度も取り上げていますが、いまだに直ぐに意味が出てきません。 考えてみると "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today" は多分中学生の頃に習って覚えています。 もしかすると "off-putting" も高校の頃に習っているかも知れません。

・Oxford English Dictionary: not pleasant, in a way that prevents you from liking somebody/something: I find his manner very off-putting.
・Collins Dictionary: If you describe a quality or feature of something as off-putting, you mean that it makes you dislike that thing or not want to get involved with it.: However, many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off-putting.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: slightly unpleasant or worrying so that you do not want to get involved in any way: What I found off-putting was the amount of work that you were expected to do.
・Vocabulary.com: If something's off-putting, it annoys or disgusts you. A waiter's bad breath might be off-putting, and the high prices on the menu might be equally off-putting.
Off-putting things can seem unappealing, irritating, or downright horrifying. An off-putting movie trailer won't tempt you to see the film and an off-putting list of rules might keep you from signing up for a gym membership. In the sixteenth century, off-putting had a completely different meaning — basically "putting off," or "procrastinating." It wasn't until the late 1800s that it came to mean "creating an unfavorable impression."

I find this expression quite off-putting because I can't remember it. But I try to remenber it today not putting off until tomorrow.
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