English Collection



2024年08月16日 | 英単語
さて、Yoko Ogawaの "Pregnancy Diary" を読んでいます。

I remembered a meeting that some fellow students had dragged me to a few months earlier. The title of the program was "Pollution: Our Earth, Our Bodies." There weren't many people there, but they seemed a sincere little group. As an outsider, I sat at a desk in the corner and stared out the window at a row of poplars lining the quadrangle.

"quadrangle" は4に関係ある言葉の様ですが辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: an open square area that has buildings all around it, especially in a school or college: It has a large central quadrangle entered from the south side.
・Collins Dictionary: A quadrangle is an open square area with buildings round it, especially in a college or school.:
Developers want to replace faded quadrangles with glass and concrete towers.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a flat shape with four straight sides: Squares and rectangles are forms of quadrangles.

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