今日から5月6日まで会社が休みになりました。図書館も完全に閉館になり、貸出返却も一切できなくなり、今借りている本を読み終わったら時間が余って大変です。 さて、BBC News Jan.23, 2020付のコロナウィルス関連記事から引用します。
Dr Jake Dunning, head of emerging infections and zoonoses at Public Health England, said: "Although there is a perception that the wearing of facemasks may be beneficial, there is in fact very little evidence of widespread benefit from their use outside of these clinical setting."
"zoonoses" が分からないので辞書を見ました。 "zoonoses" は複数形で、単数形は "zoonosis" で、意味は次のように書かれていました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals.: Other zoonoses involving wild birds are also gaining prominence as disease issues.
・Collins Dictionary: any infection or disease that is transmitted to humans from lower vertebrates: The disease is classified as a zoonosis, which means that humans can be infected.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: an infection or disease that is transmissible from animals to humans under natural conditions: This makes them zoonoses, diseases that can jump between humans and other animals.
Dr Jake Dunning, head of emerging infections and zoonoses at Public Health England, said: "Although there is a perception that the wearing of facemasks may be beneficial, there is in fact very little evidence of widespread benefit from their use outside of these clinical setting."
"zoonoses" が分からないので辞書を見ました。 "zoonoses" は複数形で、単数形は "zoonosis" で、意味は次のように書かれていました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals.: Other zoonoses involving wild birds are also gaining prominence as disease issues.
・Collins Dictionary: any infection or disease that is transmitted to humans from lower vertebrates: The disease is classified as a zoonosis, which means that humans can be infected.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: an infection or disease that is transmissible from animals to humans under natural conditions: This makes them zoonoses, diseases that can jump between humans and other animals.