English Collection



2024年09月07日 | 英単語
The Japan Times Online, August 29の記事タイトル・サブタイトルから引用します。

Hyogo governor's scandal could spell more trouble for Nippon Ishin
The party, still reeling from a mayoral election loss, gave its backing to Hyogo Gov. Motohiko Saito in his 2021 gubernatorial bid.

上記の "spell" の意味・用法を辞書で調べます。

・Collins Dictionary: If something spells a particular result, often an unpleasant one, it suggests that this will be the result.: A report has just arrived on government desks which spells more trouble.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to cause something bad to happen in the future: The new regulations could spell disaster for small businesses.

この意味の "spell" の場合、後に "disaster" や "trouble" などの良くないことが続くのですね。

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