English Collection


have the bit between one's teeth/take the bit between one's teeth

2012年03月27日 | インポート

さて、昨日取り上げた単語 "pulverize" を調べた辞書の説明にあった次の文章に慣用句らしき表現がありました。
Brunner had heard of the things, used in the Gulf War to pulverize the Iraqi trenches, but the Dutchman had the bit between his teeth.
"have the bit between one's teeth" は歯に何かが詰まった感じですが、辞書に "have the bit between one's teeth" あるいは "have the bit between one's teeth" で次ぎの説明がありました。
・TheFreeDictionary: have/take the bit in one's teeth: To be uncontrollable; cast off restraint.
・Random House Dictionary: take the bit in / between one's teeth, to cast off control; willfully go one's own way: He took the bit in his teeth and acted against his parents' wishes.
・Collins English Dictionary: a.to undertake a task with determination; b.to rebel against control

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