さて、宮部みゆきの小説 "The Sleeping Dragon" を読んでいます。
One evening when I had gone out for a drink with a colleague, I asked after a few beers, what he would do if a UFO came out of the sky and landed and its crew told him that they knew who had committed a major crime that the police were investigating. The answer I got was, "I'd go home and go to bed," followed by, "And if I woke up the next morning and was still pretty sure I'd really seen it, then I'd have myself committed. I'd probably see goldfish swimming in the IV drip, too."
"IV drip" の "IV" を最初はローマン数字の表記と勘違いし、何の事か不思議に思いましたが、"drip" を調べかけて、"intravenous" の略字表記だと気が付きました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Intravenous or intravenously: they put an IV in me
・Collins Dictionary: An IV or an IV drip is a piece of medical equipment by which a liquid is slowly passed through a tube into a patient's blood: She was muzzled with an oxygen mask and tethered to an IV.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: intravenous: IV drug users
さて、宮部みゆきの小説 "The Sleeping Dragon" を読んでいます。
One evening when I had gone out for a drink with a colleague, I asked after a few beers, what he would do if a UFO came out of the sky and landed and its crew told him that they knew who had committed a major crime that the police were investigating. The answer I got was, "I'd go home and go to bed," followed by, "And if I woke up the next morning and was still pretty sure I'd really seen it, then I'd have myself committed. I'd probably see goldfish swimming in the IV drip, too."
"IV drip" の "IV" を最初はローマン数字の表記と勘違いし、何の事か不思議に思いましたが、"drip" を調べかけて、"intravenous" の略字表記だと気が付きました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Intravenous or intravenously: they put an IV in me
・Collins Dictionary: An IV or an IV drip is a piece of medical equipment by which a liquid is slowly passed through a tube into a patient's blood: She was muzzled with an oxygen mask and tethered to an IV.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: intravenous: IV drug users