BABY DOLLは頭は余り良くないようで、割り算が苦手だと言います。
BABY DOLL: I had a great deal of trouble with long division.
SILVA: You've got many refinements. I don't think you need to worry about your failure at long division. I mean, after all, you got through short division, and short division is all that a lady ought to be called on to cope with...
日本語では "long division"/"short division" に対応する特別な単語は聞いた事はありませんが、英英辞典でこれらの表現の説明があるか見ます。
"long division": the operation of division in which the sequence of steps are indicated in detail: Long division and multiplication need a piece of paper, but are useful for harder problems.
"short division": the operation of division in which the sequence of steps is performed without writing them out: Please, sir, I can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and short division.
電卓やPCのある時代なので "long division" ができなくても生活には全く支障はありませんね。
BABY DOLL: I had a great deal of trouble with long division.
SILVA: You've got many refinements. I don't think you need to worry about your failure at long division. I mean, after all, you got through short division, and short division is all that a lady ought to be called on to cope with...
日本語では "long division"/"short division" に対応する特別な単語は聞いた事はありませんが、英英辞典でこれらの表現の説明があるか見ます。
"long division": the operation of division in which the sequence of steps are indicated in detail: Long division and multiplication need a piece of paper, but are useful for harder problems.
"short division": the operation of division in which the sequence of steps is performed without writing them out: Please, sir, I can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and short division.
電卓やPCのある時代なので "long division" ができなくても生活には全く支障はありませんね。