Reader's Digest 7月号に書かれていた実話ともジョークとも取れる話です。
An elderly woman brought two stuffed dogs along to Antiques Roadshow, which was filming in her local area. "Ooh," said the presenter, "this is a very rare set. Do you have any idea what they would fetch if they were in good condition!"
The woman thought for a moment before answering: "Sticks."
私もこの女性と同じで、縫い包みの犬が "fetch" すると言われたら想像できるのは棒やボールですが、ここでの "fetch" には別の意味もあるに違いありません。
・Collins Dictionary: (also intransitive) to cost or sell for (a certain price) ⇒ the table fetched six hundred pounds
・Macmillan Dictionary: to be sold for a particular amount of money, especially at an auction (=sale where goods are sold to the person offering the most money): The painting is expected to fetch up to $220,000.
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