今日採り上げるは会社で購入している業界誌MEASURE(NCSL International発行)の記事The Economics of Accreditationにあった表現です。
These values, which have to be read with appropriate caveats in mind, are additional to the supplier benefits of £225m calculated in the previous section.
"caveat" は前の会社で働いていた時に読んだ契約書に出てきた様な覚えはあるのですが、上の引用文でどんな意味となるのか分からないので辞書を引きます。
・Collins Dictionary:
1.(law) a formal notice requesting the court or officer to refrain from taking some specified action without giving prior notice to the person lodging the caveat
2.a warning; caution: Stan said right off, repeating the caveat he'd offered on the phone the day before.
・Vocabulary.com: A caveat is a warning. When someone adds a caveat to something they’re telling you to beware -- maybe what they’re telling you comes with certain conditions or maybe there’s something dangerous lurking.
When your new friend gives you directions to her house, and then says, “The caveat is that when it snows the driveway turns into an ice rink,” she's warning you that your travels could be dangerous.
Caveat is also a legal term for when a lawyer asks for a break in proceedings. If a lawyer issues a caveat, she's filing a formal notice to suspend a trial until her client gets a hearing.
以前契約書の中に出てきた "caveat" は最初に引用した辞書の1の意味で、今回の記事に出てきた意味は2ですね。
miner's lettuce 1年前
meme 2年前
head calls 2年前
cutworm 4年前
X-ray machine 8年前
hush puppies 9年前
Things I Hate 9年前
fence straddling 9年前
irrupt 11年前
ロマネスク収穫 11年前