English Collection


thin-skinned U.S. president

2018年03月07日 | 英単語

Feb.8のThe Japan Timesの記事からの引用です。
South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s Olympic realpolitik South Korea's president has both neutralized the threat of North Korean disruption to the Olympic Games and kept a thin-skinned U.S. president firmly on his ...
トランプ大統領は "thin-skinned" の反対の面の皮が厚い方だと思っていましたが、どういう意味なのでしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: Sensitive to criticism or insults.: these bloggers sure are a thin-skinned crowd
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that someone is thin-skinned, you mean that they are easily upset by criticism or unpleasantness.: Some fear he is too thin-skinned to survive the rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign.
・Wiktionary: (idiomatic) overly sensitive to criticism; quick to take offence; irritable; touchy: She's rather thin-skinned when it comes to comments about her work.
なるほど、批判されると直ぐにカットなる性格は "thin-skinned" なのですね。

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