日本語でも村上春樹の小説を読んでいない私ですが、海外に暮らしたくせに私も英語が大してものになっていないので英語で小説を読むようになったところが共通しているので、村上春樹の小説を英語で読むことにしました。早速図書館で借りてきたのはPinball, 1973と題された小説です。
There was a time, a good ten years ago now, when I went around latching onto one person after another, asking them to tell me about the places where they were born and grew up.
"latch" と言うとかんぬきとか歯止めの様なメカニカルな装置とその動詞の意味を思い起こし、上の文での意味も何となく分かる様な気がしますが、すっきりするために辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: latch onto someone to go with someone who does not want to be with you: Two boys tried to latch onto us as we were leaving.
・Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms: to become closely connected to someone or something I knew she would be perfect in the film, so I latched onto her like a magnet. More and more countries latched onto computer technology as an important tool for development.
・Dictionary.com: to attach oneself to; join in with: The stray dog latched onto the children and wouldn't go home.
・Wiktionary: To obtain, acquire or get and keep hold of something.: They latched onto the idea and gave it up only reluctantly.
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