Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 "Laughter The Best Medicine" からの引用です。
I've been trying to finish writing a book about surviving bankruptcy, but I can't get out of chapter 11.
クスリと笑えますね。 "chapter 11" については辞書にも説明があります。
・Collins Dictionary: US: the statute regarding the reorganization of a failing business empowering a court to allow the debtors to remain in control of the business to attempt to save it: they are in chapter 11
I've been trying to finish writing a book about surviving bankruptcy, but I can't get out of chapter 11.
クスリと笑えますね。 "chapter 11" については辞書にも説明があります。
・Collins Dictionary: US: the statute regarding the reorganization of a failing business empowering a court to allow the debtors to remain in control of the business to attempt to save it: they are in chapter 11