Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 "Fascinating Fungi" からの引用です。
Underground, mushrooms branch into networks of rootlike mycelium, which help break down waste, adding vital nutrients back into the soil. This network also shares information (such as warning trees about insect infestation), communicating via electric as pulses in intricate patterns. Some mycologists refer to this as the natural internet or the "wood wide web."
数ヶ月前にNHKのBS番組でキノコの菌糸が森のネットワークになっているというドキュメンタリーを見たので、上記の記事の内容はよく分かります。ただし、英語の "mycelium" は知らなかったので今回覚えたいと思います。
・Collins Dictionary: (in mycology) the mass of hyphae that form the vegetative part of a fungus: the vegetative body of fungi: a mass of branching filaments (hyphae) that spread throughout the nutrient substratum
・ Plural mycelia: The mass of fine branching tubes (known as hyphae) that forms the main growing structure of a fungus. Visible structures like mushrooms are reproductive structures produced by the mycelium.: Almost all the plants in the world share resources through a network of mycelia.
"wood wide web" も分かり易い表現です。
Underground, mushrooms branch into networks of rootlike mycelium, which help break down waste, adding vital nutrients back into the soil. This network also shares information (such as warning trees about insect infestation), communicating via electric as pulses in intricate patterns. Some mycologists refer to this as the natural internet or the "wood wide web."
数ヶ月前にNHKのBS番組でキノコの菌糸が森のネットワークになっているというドキュメンタリーを見たので、上記の記事の内容はよく分かります。ただし、英語の "mycelium" は知らなかったので今回覚えたいと思います。
・Collins Dictionary: (in mycology) the mass of hyphae that form the vegetative part of a fungus: the vegetative body of fungi: a mass of branching filaments (hyphae) that spread throughout the nutrient substratum
・ Plural mycelia: The mass of fine branching tubes (known as hyphae) that forms the main growing structure of a fungus. Visible structures like mushrooms are reproductive structures produced by the mycelium.: Almost all the plants in the world share resources through a network of mycelia.
"wood wide web" も分かり易い表現です。