English Collection


Good riddance

2016年06月22日 | 英語の本を読む

"good riddance" は4/15/2011に取り上げた表現ですが、John GrishamのPlaying for Pizzaの次の箇所にも出てきました。
Rick was leaving, running away from the lease on the condo and the rented furniture therein, fleeing Cleveland and the Browns and their awful fans, scampering away to somewhere. He wasn't quite sure where. Wisely, he had signed only a six-month lease on the condo. Since college he'd lived a life of short leases and rented furniture and learned not to accumulate too many things. He fought the downtown traffic and managed to glance in the mirror for one last look at the Cleveland skyline. Good riddance. He was thrilled to be leaving.

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