私が読む英書の大半は図書館から借りています。家の近くの図書館には日本語の本しかないので外国の本も置いてある区の中央図書館の本をインターネットで予約していますが、本を選ぶ決め手は題名とページ数だけなので、期待している内容ではない場合も多くあります。今回はTom Clancy's Net Forceを借りました。インターネットに関する本だと思っていたのですが、本を受け取った時に表紙の絵を見て苦手なSFの様なのでちょっとがっかりです。
この小説はTom Clancy's Net Forceというシリーズ物の様で、今回読むのは "ONE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER" です。裏表紙に中身の紹介文があり、そこからの抜粋です。
Maj Green spent a year perfecting her latest virtual sim: the maiden flight of the XB-70 aircraft back in 1964. But it too fellow student Roddy L'Officier mere moments to sabotage enough lines of her program to make it literally crash and burn.
It wasn't the first time Roddy had done it to their programs. And the rest of the Net Force Explorers have had enough. They exile Roddy--no virtmails, no sims, nothing--until he realizes what he's done.
"virtual sim" に "virtmails"の様に "virtual" が付くと実態が何なのか良く分かりませんが、SFらしい言葉ではあります。 "sim" は "simulation" と関係ありそうですが何でしょうか? 辞書に説明があるか見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: a computer game which simulates an activity such as playing a sport or flying an aircraft
・CGS Network.com: Computer, Telephony & Electronics Industry Glossary: Short for simulation or simulator. Sims are role playing games that allow players to join in easily. The sim game is based in a virtual world where the players create a character and act as the character would in the given situations. Many Sims are based on well known TV shows or familiar stories. This sort of role playing initiated the term artificial intelligence on early computers.
上の説明の "sim" と Net Forceでの "sim" が同じ様なものかどうかは定かではありませんが、とりあえず "sim" には "role playing game" の意味があることを頭にいれておきます。
この小説はTom Clancy's Net Forceというシリーズ物の様で、今回読むのは "ONE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER" です。裏表紙に中身の紹介文があり、そこからの抜粋です。
Maj Green spent a year perfecting her latest virtual sim: the maiden flight of the XB-70 aircraft back in 1964. But it too fellow student Roddy L'Officier mere moments to sabotage enough lines of her program to make it literally crash and burn.
It wasn't the first time Roddy had done it to their programs. And the rest of the Net Force Explorers have had enough. They exile Roddy--no virtmails, no sims, nothing--until he realizes what he's done.
"virtual sim" に "virtmails"の様に "virtual" が付くと実態が何なのか良く分かりませんが、SFらしい言葉ではあります。 "sim" は "simulation" と関係ありそうですが何でしょうか? 辞書に説明があるか見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: a computer game which simulates an activity such as playing a sport or flying an aircraft
・CGS Network.com: Computer, Telephony & Electronics Industry Glossary: Short for simulation or simulator. Sims are role playing games that allow players to join in easily. The sim game is based in a virtual world where the players create a character and act as the character would in the given situations. Many Sims are based on well known TV shows or familiar stories. This sort of role playing initiated the term artificial intelligence on early computers.
上の説明の "sim" と Net Forceでの "sim" が同じ様なものかどうかは定かではありませんが、とりあえず "sim" には "role playing game" の意味があることを頭にいれておきます。