English Collection


brown-eared bulbul

2018年05月28日 | 英単語
Miyuki MiyabeのCrossfireを読んでいます。
Chikako noticed what looked like a bird's nest on the upper part of the window frame. It, too, was gray with age. When the factory had been in use, the noise and commotion whould have kept birds away. Little birds like sparrows, swallows, or brown-eared bulbuls must have arrived to build nests after it had shut down. But even the birds had deserved the factory.
"brown-eared bulbul" も鳥の一種の様ですが何の鳥でしょうか?
・Wikipedia: The brown-eared bulbul (Hypsipetes amaurotis) is a medium-sized bulbul native to eastern Asia. It is extremely common within the northern parts of its range and can be found from southern Sakhalin to the northern Philippines.
英和辞書で見ると "brown-eared bulbul" はヒヨドリとありました。
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