English Collection



2024年12月28日 | 英単語

He learned immeasurable things, recognizing that the humble jitte had many unexpected benefits far greater than that of the sword. Nevertheless, the jitte is a weapon not often carried. Compared to this, two swords are always worn at the hip. Therefore, utilizing both swords can be just as advantageous as the principle underlying the jitte. Musashi gave with dual swords was as magnificent as a sword dance. His iron swords soared and his wooden swords vaulted. Although his adversaries ran hither and thither to escape his blows, their evasive movements were futile.

"vault" は何度も辞書で引いたことのある単語ですが、どうも苦手な単語です。上記引用文での意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: o jump over an object in a single movement, using your hands or a pole to push you; vault over something: She vaulted over the gate and ran up the path.
・Vocabulary.com: Vault is a verb that means "to jump over something." If you were hurrying out to the pasture to visit your favorite cow, you might vault over the gate in your excitement.
When you support yourself with your hands as you jump over some hurdle, you vault, just as a gymnast might do across a vault — a piece of gymnastic equipment made to be vaulted over after a running start. Another meaning of vault is the arched roof of a building, or something that resembles such an archway. A storage chamber, especially one that's kept underground, is also a vault, like a bank vault.
これらの辞書に説明されている動詞の "vault/vaulted" の意味としては合いませんね。しかし次の辞書で次の意味を見つけました。
・Collins Dictionary: to curve or bend in the form of a vault

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